Wednesday, September 23, 2015

What we're looking for in a submission

Greetings from the desk your captain has repeatedly faceplanted into.

Yes, it was intake day at the Airship! We went through the submissions for Winter Shivers.  We got far more than we could use, making this our most successful call yet.

In fact, we got so many really excellent stories, that Winter Shivers will be a two volume anthology!

So, other than writing a lot of "You're good, keep it up, you just weren't right" letters, why am i face planting?

Because it's all so simple.
We don't ask for a lot out of our authors and their submissions.

But we do like the word count on the front page. Makes it easier.

We need the story in a format we can read. This is .doc or .docx  No .wps, .rtf, .odt or other odd formats.

We really prefer Times New Roman or Georgia font.

And please, if you have page breaks, be sure when you convert your file that they stay at the bottom of your page.

At least all the subs were on point and no one sent us a cutesy contemporary holiday story.

On the other hand, far too many stories were in present tense. I only accepted one, because it was utterly outstanding and yanked me right in. The others, I was done by page 3. Present tense is not our style here at Inkstained Succubus.

On the whole, keep writing. Remember, Badass closes Dec 15!

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