Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Welcome to 2016!

Hello and welcome to 2016!

Here's what's happening aboard the airship.

1) Royalties are calculated and will be sent on Wednesday the 6th.

2) Winter Chills is in second edits. There is still the galley edit/formatting step. It should be out this month.

3) Pan's Garden has been sent to the editor. We're planning a February release.

4) Have Quest Will Travel has been sent to the editor. We're planning a February release.

5) Badass is in the reading stage. We will know if this is going off.

6) Xenophile closes March 15. Send us your alien lovers! Tentacle sex welcome.

7) We are open for novella (20-45k) and novel length (45-99K) submissions. We have one as it is. We can accept a few more for the year.

8) Our first Audiobook is out! Our second should be available this week and our third is in edits! We're excited about this!

9) Our convention schedule is light for the first quarter. It should pick up for second and third. If you need books for a convention, let me know about a month in advance. You can buy them for a 40% discount for resale.

10) Look for a Crowdfunding campaign and a possible Patreon in the near future.

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