For the next week, Into Dark Waters, an anthology of gay paranormal m/m, is 99c on Amazon.
All proceeds go to Lisa the Lab Rat's New York Odyssey.
99c gets 11 tales of Love and Darkness.
Buy Link
One dollar to pay a visit to the Scholomance, where the Devil himself provides a most unusual finishing school fr the 13 most talented men of their generation.
One dollar buys admission to the Phantasmagoria Traveling Wonder Show, where Torturo the Pain King has a sexy and unexpected valentine gift for his lover.
One dollar to travel through the jungles of India and the deserts of Arabia with a naga and his beloved djinn.
Undead strippers, space exploration rangers, blind vampires and pirates await.
Lisa the Lab Rat is off to New York City with her choir and your captain would liketo accomany her. First we have to get her there. So this promo will benefit the choir fund.